Free Rent Receipt Template
A rent receipt template is a form that allows a tenant to mark their monthly rent as paid. Most commonly for the use of cash payment by the tenant to their landlord. The receipt should only be filled in after the funds have transferred to the landlord. The form may be issued on-the-spot with the landlord completing the amount and how the payment was made.
When and Why Should You Use a Rent Receipt?
The Importance of Using a Rent Receipt Template:
- Protection — Providing as much documentation as possible protects both parties from potential legal problems. Once a lease is signed, the renter becomes locked to those terms. Rent receipts prove the lessee is paying for their rental on time and in full.
- Proof — Rent receipts provide proof of payment should legal disputes arise. Should a landlord claim that a tenant has been late on rent payments, or has neglected to pay rent, the tenant can pull out receipts that prove otherwise.
- Good Business — In addition to providing peace of mind, providing a rent receipt is simply a good business practice. As a landlord, good record keeping eliminates guesswork and allows you to quickly recall previous payments should you need to go back to your records. It’s also important to note that in many states, the landlord is required to provide a rent receipt upon payment, either every month or upon request. To be safe, make sure you obtain a rent receipt every month. In a court of law, “he said, she said” stands nowhere against documented proof.
Though rent receipts are legal documents, you don’t need to seek legal advice or speak to an attorney to draft one. Examples of rent receipts can easily be found online. Some websites provide printable rent receipt templates that landlords can simply fill in the blank information and print for their tenants. However, a rent receipt is comprised of such basic, and straightforward information that one can easily create a printable rent receipt in Microsoft Word, Excel, or Pages (for Mac users). The components of a rent receipt are listed below so you can create your own.
Information to Include in Rent Receipts
Rent receipts can help a landlord keep track of which tenant(s) have fully paid rent, when each payment was made, and if needed when late payments or other fees are paid. The more you include on a rent receipt, the easier it is for you to keep track of everything.
You can keep printed or digital copies of the receipts for as long as needed for your financial or personal records. These receipts typically contain the following information:
- Tenant name and telephone number
- Landlord or property manager name and property address
- Amount of the rent payment
- How the payment was made (personal check, cash, etc.)
- Rental period covered by the payment
Should I get a receipt for rent?
Rent Receipts are mandated by law in many states—and a few states require them to be provided at the request of a tenant. If you are unsure whether your state legally requires you to provide a rental receipt, ask a lawyer.
If you are a landlord, making a Rent Receipt can be beneficial, even if you are not legally required by law to provide one, because it will help with record keeping and also make you look more professional and trustworthy.
If you are a tenant, a rental receipt can be used for protection. If the landlord’s records are incorrect and you have paid rent, the receipt can help protect you from eviction or other legal proceedings.
You should use a receipt for rent if:
- You are required by law to provide Rent Receipts to your tenants.
- You are a property manager who needs to provide receipts in volume.
- You are a tenant who wants proof that you paid your rent.
Rent Receipts for Tax Purposes
For tenants, some states offer tax credits. These benefits vary and you will want to check with your state’s guidelines to see if you qualify. Some states only offer tax benefits to seniors and those with disabilities. While other states provide tax credits to tenants with low-incomes.
If you live in one of the states that offer a tax credit you will want a rent receipt from your landlord each time you pay. If your landlord will not provide one, you can prepare an online receipt to present to your landlord to sign. To make this process easier, use our online rent receipt form. Also, keep in mind, some states require a landlord to provide rent receipts in certain situations.
For renters who do not live in a state that provides them with a tax credit, they could still qualify if they run a home-based business. In these situations, a rent receipt is a must. Typically only the portion of the rental you use solely for business qualifies for deductions which would require proof of rent. If 15% of your home is used for business purposes, then 15% of your rent payments are likely to qualify. Keep in mind, you should discuss business-related tax deductions with an accountant before filing to make sure you qualify.