Weekend Landlords: Contributor Guidelines

Weekend Landlords  accepts high-quality content and shares it with our audience of landlords across the country. If you’re an author and write about topics related to the property management industry or real estate,  feel free to contact us via Contact Form.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Please, consider the following: 

Suggested length

The featured post is typically about 600-1,000 words with an included headline.

Original content

We accept only high quality articles that haven’t been previously published on any other websites. The featured post must NOT be plagiarized.

No self-promotion

For contributing to us we’ll provide one link back to your website or blog in the featured post and you can add up to 3 reliable links to the resources you’re using in the article to support your ideas.

Accepted links:

  • Relevant articles
  • Research or data reports
  • Resources that will help contextualize content

Refrain from using these links:

  • Affiliate links
  • Your company links (homepage, About Us, Contact, Prices, Products, etc.)
  • Product/service/pricing pages for competitors
  • Company social links — you can include these in your bio

Note: the links must be safe and contain no offensive content of any kind.

Included author bio

All article credit will be given to you, so please submit a short bio that outlines your qualifications relevant to the industry and a high-res professional photo of yourself.

It takes us up to 5 business days to review your piece. 


Сontact us at  mail@weekendlandlords.com.  

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Weekend Landlords reserves the right to edit the formatting, grammar, title, and length of the publication.  
Weekend Landlords reserves the right to reject or remove the article or links at any point in time.Â