New York Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
New York CARES+ Programs:
The COVID Rent Relief Program will provide eligible households with a one-time rental subsidy that will be sent directly to the household’s landlord. Applicants will not need to repay this assistance.
The rental assistance payment will cover the difference between the household’s rent burden on March 1, 2020 and the increase in rent burden for the months the households is applying for assistance. Households can apply for up to four months in rental assistance.
The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund has been created to provide assistance to Dutchess County households most at risk of being severely impacted by COVID-19. Funds will be used to make direct payments to landlords and utilities companies. Housing expenses will be prioritized, but we will also accept applications for unavoidable expenses such as medical bills, car payments, etc.
The program will provide a grant of up to $1,500 per month to cover the monthly lease rent/mortgage (based on the rent paid as of March 1, 2020), with a maximum of $3,500 per household. The rent subsidy will be paid directly to the tenant’s landlord on behalf of the tenant. The mortgage subsidy will be paid directly to the mortgage holder. The deadline to apply is Nov. 15.
Hamburg, NY is utilizing our Homeless Prevention program for this purpose. Three months rent/utility assistance. Been using this for many years. CDBG funds.
The COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program will launch June 15, offering financial assistance to residents of Tompkins County. Residents can apply for assistance with rent if they have lost income due to COVID-19, and if they fall within household income limits.
Kingston COVID Rental Assistance will provide up to three months’ rental arrears for households impacted by COVID 19. Households must earn less than 80% area median income.
Emergency Assistance Program: City of Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls has begun distributing more than $2.5 million in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG-CV) for COVID-19 related services. Mayor Robert Restaino presented close to half a million dollars for homelessness intervention, rental assistance and utility assistance to help local families avoid eviction and homelessness.
The Oswego County COVID-19 Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program can provide up to three (3) months’ rent, for a maximum of $3,000. This program is available for low income renters (60% of Area Median Income – AMI) directly impacted, who have experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19.
In May and June, City Council approved over $2 million for an eviction prevention program administered by Catholic Family Center to provide emergency rent payments and/or security deposit assistance for income-eligible tenants before they truly become homeless. Tuesday’s legislation dedicated an additional $2.1 million to a flexible fund that will be used to augment this program, based on the anticipated demand for assistance.
The Suffolk County HOME Consortium emergency rental assistance funds are a one-time payment granted to eligible applicants in an amount up to 100% of one month’s rent, up to a maximum of $2,500.
Provides direct financial assistance to individuals and families at imminent risk of facing eviction and becoming homeless as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Provides direct financial assistance to individuals and families at imminent risk of facing eviction and becoming homeless as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding is provided through CDBG-CV to city of Syracuse residents.
The RED STOP Eviction Project utilizes federal HUD funds and will provide up to four months of rental or utility arrears for tenants facing eviction or shut off as long as they can demonstrate that their financial hardship is due to COVID. Tenants must be within 21 days of eviction, must demonstrate ability to pay their rent going forward, and must live in a Westchester Urban County Consortium municipality.
RED Rent HELP Project – “moving forward” also utilizes federal HUD funds and will provide up to 12 months of rental assistance for families impacted by COVID but focus on households where the tenants worked in industries closed until Phase Four, or who worked for a business that no longer exists. RED Rent HELP Project will be run by the County’s Planning Department.
where are the applications for NYC residents?