Nebraska Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
Nebraska ERAP Treasury Programs:
The Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program makes available $158 million to assist Nebraska low-income households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Before you apply, please review the eligibility requirements and application user guide to understand if you are eligible, as well as the required steps you must complete to apply, and the supporting documentation you must provide as part of your application. This program is only available for renters with a lease agreement, not for homeowners.
Nebraska CARES+ Programs:
NHDA has grant funds available for renters and homeowners who are unable to pay their housing costs due to financial hardships resulting from the pandemic and the national economic disruption.
The 8 development districts in Nebraska have CARES Act funds available to landlords who have documented financial loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic & lease to low-to-moderate income tenants. Up to $2,500 can be requested for lost rent or utility payments due to a disruption in income or an increase in expenses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Up to $10,000 can be requested for minor rental unit repair or rehabilitation for items such as a roof, furnace or water heater replacement.
The Douglas County Board passed a plan that gvies county residents hit by COVID-19 help paying rent. They put in $10 million of their $166 million in CARES Act money to assist those who need help. Those that enter the program will get four months rent, or $4,000 towards rent, whichever comes first.
If you are having trouble paying for housing and utilities due to the impact of COVID-19, the City of Lincoln may be able to help. Federal financial assistance is available, and you can apply by contacting a local organization who are assisting the City in processing applications.
COVID-19 Housing Assistance: Sarpy and Cass Counties
COVID-19 Housing Assistance are funds are available to assist with past due rent and mortgage payments for Sarpy and Cass County residents. This program can only assist residents of Sarpy or Cass County, Nebraska who have had a job loss or other reduction in income on or after March 17, 2020 as a result of COVID-19. Assistance is available beginning with April 1 rent or mortgage payment and not before.
I live at 1941jst apt 6 Lincoln Nebraska 68510 I’m need help with rent I’m 3 months behind please help bc before I was homeless and I don’t receive any housing are anything and pays 520$ a month and I pay childsupport of 120$ please call me 402 617 8671
My name is John, I Live at 2814 S 93rd PLZ APT 20, OMAHA NE 68124, i am behind on few months rent and i am having treats from my Lanlord and would soon become homeless. I would like anyone who could be of help to please help me out. I am 5 months behind and i pay $850 monthly…you can reach me on 409-226-0402. Thank you so much.
I’m John and I don’t have my rent for July and August rent. My lease is up in August and I’m trying to relocate to New Mexico, but the cost of getting a new apartment and move plus keeping up with rent here. I’ll be able to pay anything back, I just don’t have all the money at one time. I currently live at 4740 Virginia St #3D, Bellevue, NE. 68157 and my rent due is $886.96 for July rent.
I’m luces and I’m trying to get out bad aparment situation
301 w Charleston 922 D
Lincoln ne 68528
Anything would help got $4000 rest on lease
I need help on rent and utilities due to lost hours because of COVID and I’m in desperate need of help if possible